Mittwoch, 9. Januar 2008

時光機器| Time Machine

recently, i often think about it: what would i do, if i have a time machine...

last year, 2007 was a very interesting year of my life, a lot of work, a lot of changes, high-tide, low tide, succeed, happiness, sadness, mistakes, pain...

if u really have one, should i go back and tell myself:

"hey buddy, be careful, something is going to happen!"

would it be better? would i happier, if i can forecast and prepare all these things?

NO, i don't think so.

life is exciting, because you don't konw, what is coming. if there is only high-tide in the life, we will get bored and high-tide is no more high-tide, if we don't know, what is low-tide.

at that moment, i was sad. i have been asking the whole time, why it happens to me. but now i must say, thanks god to challenge me, push me to be tougher. i think many people have similar experience.

it was a bad luck, a shit at that moment, but a luck in the end.

i think, i am really for more hardcore challenges ;D

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